Missing Billionaires Went to See the Titanic?

By now, you would have already heard of the five persons trapped and missing in the Titan submersible. Three of them paid a quarter milli each to take an underwater trip to see the Titanic.  Social media is filled right now with jokes and discussions about the whole situation.   

My issue really lies with the use of all this money to go on "Gilligan Island"s Three Hour Tour". IYKYK.

This news clip from BBC's Twitter account relates a little about the Titan's situation.

      The Titan submersible, operated by Ocean Gate.

Most millionaires and billionaires are known for going on expensive adventures that humble plebs like me cannot experience.   However, this one seemed to be a bit more risky than the regular island adventures and s3x parties. According to safety officials and other persons close to the victims involved, the submersible and the trip seemed to be doomed from the start. One person hired in the past let the Titan owners know that the vessel was not safe. He was promptly ignored and fired.  A couple had previously wanted to experience the Titanic undersea adventure.   They were refused by the organisers because of safety issues. When the couple was finally allowed, they were scared and changed their minds.  It seems as if they were also never refunded.

The submersible, owned by Ocean Gate, has to be controlled externally. This is done by a Logitech controller.  The individuals were bolted into the Titan, which is close to the size of a minivan. One cannot stand inside, one has to sit on the floor. There is a bottle available to urinate.  
The latest update states that a banging noise was heard in the area but nothing was found yet.

My issue? Adventure is cool but this sounds dangerous as heck. To see Titanic ruins? Which will actually be a computer generated image from signals relayed to a monitor inside the submersible? This money could have been spent on tiny homes for the homeless.  Ironically, the wealthy do not have to pay some of the taxes we do. However, taxpayers' money is being used as the US Coast Guard and other US, Canadian units are in the midst of a search and rescue mission.  

Did I forget to mention that they now have a less than 24 hour oxygen supply in the Titan?  I really hope they are found safety and that they consider safety in future adventures.


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