Soap mini - haul

  My name is Danielle and I am a soap - sniffer.

  *hiii Danielle*

   Maybe I should go look for a support group for this.

 I enter a store.  I see soap,   I sniff.

I really don't care who's watching me funny either.

    So that is just what I was doing when I visited UWI's Agri Expo over the weekend.

There were quite a few soap manufacturing companies so I decided to try from the following two places:

Acacia Products
Coco Dreams

1. Acacia Products

 I did not get the person's name but the young woman in this booth let me know about the different types of soaps available.  She also allowed me to sniff as much soap as I wanted, yayy!

2.  Coco Dreams Estate.

I expected this soap to smell like cocoa butter but it smelt slightly fruity.  So I bought the cute chicken and egg shaped soap.


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