Cara Mia liquid matte foundation review

This product comes in a cuboid - shaped glass bottle with a black plastic cover.  I got it at a local beauty store.  

This brand (Cara Mia) of cosmetics is manufactured in the country where I live (Trinidad and Tobago) and I enjoy trying out local products.

The consistency is like a thin cream and is lightly scented.

I wore this foundation approximately twice a week to go to work.  The testing period lasted three weeks.

The results?  Oh boy.

I have oily skin and I know I should stay away from liquid foundations however, I tried a couple other brands before this without much stress.

Cara Mia?
Every time I wore it, I became extremely wet and greasy after a couple of hours. The weather could be cool, I could be in an A/C building, I could add extra primer and setting powder - same results.

I would recommend to those with dry skin, hopefully they would experience a different result.

Thanks a lot for visiting my blog!
Did you ever try this product? How did it work for you?


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