Photography class final presentation: 3 of my photographs


Approximately 15 weeks of my life, basically 'kidnapped' by this class.

15 weeks of notes, homework (um, teachers DO notes and homework?) and unscheduled trips to various locations.

I stumbled in headfirst, thinking my very elementary knowledge of photography (garnered from a couple of YouTube videos and a 4 hour Ministry course) would easily pull me through.

  Boy was I wrong.

From researching Niepce to the Sunny 16 rule, it was mostly a struggle.

However, I must admit that I learned sooo much from this class.  Although the final presentation (and the couple of weeks before) was a tad bit stressful, I am glad I made it through successfully.

So anyhoo, on to the pics

I finally made the trip to the zoo after possibly 6 or 7 years (did you SMELL the zoo lately, hello!).  Finally saw the two cute giraffes Melanin and Malandrina (yes I know their real names but I think these sound better).  

Photo of MovieTowne.  My good friend drove me (in the pouring rain, might I add) to get this shot.  Had to ignore weird looks from passers-by and taxi drivers as I gingerly set up my camera and tripod under a less than pleasant bus shed.  

Gas station at Shops of Trincity or Shops at Trincity (or whatever).  My friend had to pretend that she was going to get her tires filled with air, while I tried to look as inconspicuous as possible.  I used a tripod here again and used a shutter speed of approximately 3.2 seconds, so the invisible act was definitely impossible.

I am definitely proud of myself for getting through the course and leaving with so much knowledge.  

I don't think my tutor, Ryan Bascombe would mind if I publicly thanked him for all the information shared.   

Thanks a lot, sir!


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