Makeup haul: September

I put myself on a makeup purchasing pause so there are thankfully fewer products in my September haul.

I heard some family members speak of the Jordana fabubrow pencils and decided to give them a try.  Bought my usual Elf products, I normally get them in Excellent Stores and Starlite Pharmacy in Maraval. 

NYX is one of my favorite makeup brands - their eye shadows are pigmented but not too bright on my dark skin.

I also heard about good things about Milani lipsticks and purchased a nude-ish color. 
Seems as if I am a bronzer hoarder, got an Elf and of course I can't wait to try it.

Pop beauty cosmetics are also usually found in Starlite Pharmacy, Maraval. 

I am very proud of myself because I purchased a small quantity of items - yayy me!
stay tuned for reviews.


  1. I love elf products. Congratulations on not going overboard with the purchase, haha. Enjoy the haul, :)).


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