Maintaining natural or transitioning hair is no easy feat.  However, if we find the most suitable products to deal with our delicate tresses, then the process becomes so much easier.

 I have been happy and relaxer free for approximately five months.  Over that time I have been researching and exploring different products to deal with my dry, bouncy strands.

Five of my most trusted products are discussed below:

1.  Motions weightless clear hairdressing.

I've been using this product for two weeks.  My hair retains moisture for longer when this is used.  In addition, no filmy residue remains.

2.  African pride Dream Kids Olive Miracle Instant Moisturizing Detangler.

This product has been used for at least two months.  It moisturizes and helps me out when finger combing my dry hair before styling. 

3.  Aunt Jackie's Curls and Coils knot on my watch Instant Detangling Therapy.
I need to describe this product as the Godzilla of detanglers.  Knot on my watch saved me from wash days that might have probably been spent sobbing and huddled in the corner of my bathroom. I use it after deep conditioning and sometimes before styling.  When used, the comb slides through my hair like a dream!
4.  Cher - Mere herbal deep conditioner.

I have been using this item for two months.  This product is manufactured in the beautiful twin - isle republic of Trinidad and Tobago.  It is formulated with all-natural products such as aloe vera and rosemary oil.  I use this alone or mixed with other conditioners for my deep conditioning routine.  It leaves my hair sooo soft!

5.  ORS HAIRepair nourishing conditioner.
The last item on my list really packs a punch when it comes to moisturizing.  It contains extracts of banana and bamboo - I also love the scent.  I mix this with my Cher Mere deep conditioner sometimes for additional moisture.  I have been using this for more than four months.
We all have different hair types and the aforementioned products have been really good to me.
What are your go to products for natural or transitioning hair?


  1. I really suck at taking care of my hair and would use whatever I find in the bathroom. These sound like really good products and I'd love to try some of them. Thanks for sharing. http://fashionablyidu.blogspot.com/

    1. You're welcome Idu, 'Knot on my watch' is a product that I could rave about forever!


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