
Showing posts from April, 2014

Egyptian stencilled painting

I did a research project about Egyptian tomb paintings.  The assignment included making a stencil print of one of the paintings. I chose to do this painting:  This is not my photograph   I started by making lots of stencils to print the men, the moon etc. Masking tape was used to retain the brown cotton's original colour in some areas. I used dye extracted brown cotton and added blue fabric paint to represent the night sky: I put a couple of Egyptian symbols on both sides of the painting. I started to put the seated men, using the different stencils. I peeled off the masking tape to reveal the original fabric colour in some areas. The finished piece:
      Sewing curtains I decided to make some living room curtains for Christmas 2013 using brown cotton and printed polyester cotton material. I tie - dyed the brown cotton and got an unexpected colour, so I just went out afterwards and bought the printed polyester cotton to match the tie - dyed brown cotton. In the photo below, the tie - dyed fabric is above while the printed polyester cotton is below. Then I measured the two different types of fabric to get similar widths.  They were pinned together before sewing. The pieces were sewn together. I I hemmed around the edges of each curtain and sewed the folds on top so the curtain rod can fit through.  The finished product is seen below: