
Showing posts from 2013

Turning an old pair of jeans into a denim skirt

I love to recycle and upcycle.  So instead of throwing away the pair of jeans I turned it into a skirt. I started by cutting the jeans to about knee length. Then I ripped open the seams on the inside of the legs.  I sewed them back to form a skirty shape and added lace.  I really like lace - it reminds me of church and Confirmation.

I made a cute pincushion

I used a tp roll, needle, thread,glue gun and various types of fabric. I used fabric from a baby's hat to cover the tp roll, then I fastened the corners with hot glue. I used gathering stitch to make rounded ball-type shapes for the top of the cupcake. I made three of these, varying the colour and size. I hot glued everything together, tied a ribbon around it and called that George.


My work handbag was out of control! This is my bag on drugs: I couldn't zip it shut so I decided that I needed an organizer to help me out. So now my handbag can zip close a little easier and I don't have to go fishing round the bottom of the bag to get what I want!